Dental emergencies can occur at any time and without any warning. You may have a tooth knocked out, sudden unexplained tooth pain, or a crown may become loose. If an emergency happens, call your emergency dentist in Boston right away while following these tips.
Avulsed Tooth
Among the most frightening dental emergencies is the loss of a tooth due to trauma to the mouth or face. If your tooth has been fully dislodged, look for the tooth and rinse the tooth off with water. Do not use any cleaners, abrasive products and do not dry the tooth. If possible, try to reinsert the tooth back into the socket. If that is not possible, keep the tooth moist by placing it in a cup of milk or on the inside of your cheek. Apply ice to the outside of your mouth and call your emergency dentist Kraft & Schrott Dental Associated in Boston right away.
If your tooth is only partially dislodged, apply ice to the outside of the mouth and contact us right away.
Toothaches can be devastating and are a sign that you need to see your emergency dentist Kraft & Schrott Dental Associates in Boston immediately to determine and treat the cause of the pain. Until you are able to see us, apply ice to the outside of the painful area and use over-the-counter pain relievers. Many find clove oil to reduce discomfort discomfort as well. Avoid putting pressure on the painful tooth by eating softer foods.
Lost Crown
If your crown becomes loose, place the tooth in a bag or cup and call your emergency dentist Kraft & Schrott Dental Associates. Avoid foods and products that may cause damage to the tooth as it’s now unprotected. If the tooth is painful, you can apply ice to the outside of your mouth and use over-the-counter pain relievers.
Your Emergency Dentist in Boston
Dental emergencies can take many forms and can happen at any time. As an emergency dentist in Boston, we are always here for you. If you have a dental emergency, please call our office at (617) 227-4924.