May 20, 2021

Temporary Veneers: Why Do You Need Them?

Filed under: Uncategorized — kraft @ 9:53 pm
Dentist placing temporary veneer on patient’s tooth

You’re attending the first appointment for having porcelain veneers placed. Your dentist has prepared the teeth in question and has taken the necessary impressions. But before letting you leave, they tell you that they need to attach temporary veneers to your smile. At this point, you’re confused; why place temporary veneers when the permanent ones are going to be ready in just a few weeks? It’s important to fully understand every step of the dental procedures you undergo, so take the time to learn about temporary veneers and why they’re necessary.

How are Temporary Veneers Different from Permanent Veneers?

The temporary veneers are mockups that resemble what your permanent veneers will look like once they’re ready. The biggest difference lies in the material they’re made of. Where permanent veneers are usually made of porcelain, temporary veneers can be made of dental wax, composite resin, acrylic, and other comparable materials. As a result, they won’t be quite as durable as the veneers you’ll get in the future. They’ll also be attached with a smaller amount of dental cement – just enough to hold them in place for a few weeks but not so much that they can’t be easily removed when the time comes to take them off.

Why Do You Need to Wear Temporary Veneers?

Temporary veneers are placed for the following reasons:

  • Improved Appearance: Small amounts of enamel have to be removed from the teeth to prepare them for veneer placement. With temporary veneers, you can make the altered teeth look like normal ones so that you can smile confidently and comfortably while waiting for permanent veneers.
  • Reduced Sensitivity: Less enamel leaves the teeth more sensitive to hot or cold temperatures as well as sweet or acidic foods. Temporary veneers protect the teeth and prevent a lot of discomfort.
  • Preview of the Final Results: With temporary veneers, you can get a rough idea of what your smile will look like once the permanent ones are attached. Be sure to let your dentist know if any adjustments need to be done beforehand.

How Can You Take Care of Temporary Veneers?

To make sure that your temporary veneers last until your next appointment, make sure that you:

  • Avoid all hard and sticky foods that could easily dislodge them
  • Stay away from coffee, blueberries, and other highly pigmented foods and beverages that can easily cause stains
  • Keep them clean by brushing and flossing on a regular basis

Wearing temporary veneers can be considered the step just before your new beautiful smile is completely ready. Taking good care of your temporary veneers is essential so that you can look forward to the day that your lifelike, strong permanent veneers are ready.

About the Practice

At Kraft & Schrott Dental Associates, our team of dental specialists combine their decades of collective experience across all fields of dentistry to provide an unmatched level of comprehensive dental care. We offer porcelain veneers as a possible solution for anyone who wants to make multiple corrections at once to their smiles. To set up a cosmetic consultation with us, visit our website or call (617) 227-4924.

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